viernes, 23 de enero de 2015

Welcome to our blog

This cafe is situated 100mt before the Caboblanco Absolute Reserve wildly surrounded by vegetation animal of all kind.
The Cafe was born to be dedicated to all the indigenous communities that historically had been slaughtered all over the planet and to all the communities who are suffering right now.
We are trying to leave a nice footprint on the community and on people itself, showing a new-old way of building but facing problems of nowadays so trying to recycle  as much as we can and contaminate as less as we can.
The menu is mostly dedicated to people who go or come out the national park, so fresh smoothies of all kind , natural juices and a different range of salads and sandwiches made with local and fresh ingredient but above all with love.
Our target is as well to arrange workshop with people with handicaps, so one day a month it gonna be no profit day where people can buy things and we dedicate the earn to organize the next event. With this blog I seek to involve people in the creation of this project, exchanging some knowledge about natural building, with Julia in charge for the Cafè, Bismark from Leon Nicaragua who was rise with earthen buildings and me, Gianni reporting about materials, I want to specify that is not a professional course but we are using different techniques and achieving some results.
We are working on: Rammed Earth walls, Cob and Daub and Wattle, on terracotta floors and tiles, cob oven, biodigester system for black water, recycle sister for grey water and a pond, little amuse park for kids with recycled materials.
 Helping us, you can learn techniques that allow you to start your own little project.