The story
Everybody in this life choose everyday a path that lead himself to what he is today, experiences and informations can change everybodies paths and I feel that my path today led me to a conciousness that i cannot ignore. Little step by little step, I realize that this world is dominated by injustice and it seems to me that we are misled into a social and environmental catastrophe.
The goal with this café is to fight against this system in different ways, being eco friendly is one path because recycling for example get trash away from the environment and make you buy less; another path is using local goods which avoid to put money in the hands of big corporations, doesn’t use fuel for international transportations and increase the wealth of the local community ; a different way could be helping out giving opportunities to disabled people and those who can’t be so competitive in this hysterical system.
Indigena Cafe' want to be as well the voice and the face of indigenous people who had been oppressed in the name of the market, religion and private business, that’s where the name Indigena is coming from, it’s a dedication to all those people that had been slaughtered all over the centuries until nowadays.
Our ideas
First thing in mind was to build as much ecological as we could, it means of course to recycle in first place and in second to reduce the use of cement ( a certain quantity must be used for foundations as the government of Costa Rica requires) and replacing it with natural materials. Information about those topics are kind of hidden from the public, the fact that in most of the libraries in the country (a friend in Barcelona had the same problem), you can’t find a lot of books about natural building, but let me tell you something, once you go around the corner you will find tons of information and very good people that are willing to share those.
The second thought, was about how to create a little space for indigenous people in first place where they can share their thoughts and especially their knowledge, we can provide a little tool for keeping certain information and traditions going.
We are looking forward to give a little space as well to disabled people, organizing for them workshops where they can learn to do goods out of recycled and natural material, so they can learn a job, while having fun, but especially they can learn that they’ve got potential, a big part of my inspiration is coming from a Spanish man, Tio Antonio that in Granada Nicaragua made the most amazing Café called “ El Café de las Sonrisas “ where deaf and mute would attend you at the table and are making the most amazing hammocks of Nicaragua. So at least once a month, we going to have a non profit day where earning of the day are going to be dedicated to the organization of the next event.
Sometimes business in tourism places are not really accessible to local people for that reason we want everyone in the community, to be able to have a coffee or some food. They can apply a card to use in order to get a discount.
Finally the very happy corner of the place, we are going to dedicate a 30 something square meters, playground/amuse park for kids, all made up from recycled items, we have in mind a little labirint with plastic bottles walls, at the way out an hang bridge and finally a slipway. Depend on the space left we can add something more.
Everybody in this life choose everyday a path that lead himself to what he is today, experiences and informations can change everybodies paths and I feel that my path today led me to a conciousness that i cannot ignore. Little step by little step, I realize that this world is dominated by injustice and it seems to me that we are misled into a social and environmental catastrophe.
The goal with this café is to fight against this system in different ways, being eco friendly is one path because recycling for example get trash away from the environment and make you buy less; another path is using local goods which avoid to put money in the hands of big corporations, doesn’t use fuel for international transportations and increase the wealth of the local community ; a different way could be helping out giving opportunities to disabled people and those who can’t be so competitive in this hysterical system.
Indigena Cafe' want to be as well the voice and the face of indigenous people who had been oppressed in the name of the market, religion and private business, that’s where the name Indigena is coming from, it’s a dedication to all those people that had been slaughtered all over the centuries until nowadays.
Our ideas
First thing in mind was to build as much ecological as we could, it means of course to recycle in first place and in second to reduce the use of cement ( a certain quantity must be used for foundations as the government of Costa Rica requires) and replacing it with natural materials. Information about those topics are kind of hidden from the public, the fact that in most of the libraries in the country (a friend in Barcelona had the same problem), you can’t find a lot of books about natural building, but let me tell you something, once you go around the corner you will find tons of information and very good people that are willing to share those.
The second thought, was about how to create a little space for indigenous people in first place where they can share their thoughts and especially their knowledge, we can provide a little tool for keeping certain information and traditions going.
We are looking forward to give a little space as well to disabled people, organizing for them workshops where they can learn to do goods out of recycled and natural material, so they can learn a job, while having fun, but especially they can learn that they’ve got potential, a big part of my inspiration is coming from a Spanish man, Tio Antonio that in Granada Nicaragua made the most amazing Café called “ El Café de las Sonrisas “ where deaf and mute would attend you at the table and are making the most amazing hammocks of Nicaragua. So at least once a month, we going to have a non profit day where earning of the day are going to be dedicated to the organization of the next event.
Sometimes business in tourism places are not really accessible to local people for that reason we want everyone in the community, to be able to have a coffee or some food. They can apply a card to use in order to get a discount.
Finally the very happy corner of the place, we are going to dedicate a 30 something square meters, playground/amuse park for kids, all made up from recycled items, we have in mind a little labirint with plastic bottles walls, at the way out an hang bridge and finally a slipway. Depend on the space left we can add something more.
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